Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia

Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia has over 6951 followers across Spotify and LastFM. Currently we track 2 digital music and social platforms for Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia. When AVR-Music Stats last calculated the current growth of Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia's social media following, it was roughly 2 followers per day. We collect data on 10,000’s of rappers, singers, musicians, producers, bands & DJs from around the world across multiple genres including edm, rock, hip hop, grime, pop, jazz, folk and many more. Found something missing? You can add data for Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia here.

Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia's Music Bio

Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia (PWOG) hail from the Netherlands. During the late 1980s and early 1990s the group released a number of records and CDs on the Belgian label KK Records. Although many will no doubt remember the 'ritual' techno PWOG were to become synonymous with, the group nonetheless produced a number of meditative recordings as much for the ear as for the dancefloor. Their 1992 album "Ov Biospheres and Sacred Grooves" was an intensity as much as polyrhythmic jeopardy. And a statement for the technoscene at that time. Read more on

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