Twitter: XXL Top 10 Freshman 2009

This page displays recent the Twitter Stats stats of the ''. Take a look at how the artists's music & popularity ranks today around years after the initial list was published. Never heard of ''? You can read more about the list of artists here. The list includes popular artists such as nd , we've rank them based on their Twitter followers, friends and tweets.. Be sure to follow your favourite artists on Twitter Stats if you don't already.

If you’d like us to track an artist or music group you think we’ve missed send it through here.
We DO NOT use YouTube metrics to derive artist popularity, Total or 24hr in accordance with Google Privacy Policy
NB: We DO NOT use the YouTube Analytics 24hr, 7day and 30day metrics. These numbers are estimates we calculate internally based on YouTube’s public API data. These figures therefore do not represent the figures in artist’s personal YouTube Analytics API.

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McDonald has over 2637 followers across Spotify and LastFM. Currently we track 2 digital music and social platforms for McDonald.…

Rob Lemon

Rob Lemon has over 57 followers across Spotify, YouTube Music and Deezer. Currently we track 3 digital music and social…


Divino has over 726361 followers across Spotify, LastFM, YouTube Music and Deezer. Currently we track 4 digital music and social…

Rio Dela Duna

Rio Dela Duna has over 4195 followers across Spotify, LastFM and YouTube Music. Currently we track 3 digital music and…

Hezekiah Walker

Hezekiah Walker has over 574908 followers across Spotify, LastFM and YouTube Music. Currently we track 3 digital music and social…

Josh Gondelman

We've collected data on how many digital music followers Josh Gondelman has gained over the last 30 days! Be sure…