
Wayland has over 20376 followers across Spotify, LastFM, YouTube Music and Deezer. Currently we track 4 digital music and social platforms for Wayland. When AVR-Music Stats last calculated the current growth of Wayland's social media following, it was roughly 3 followers per day. We collect data on 10,000’s of rappers, singers, musicians, producers, bands & DJs from around the world across multiple genres including edm, rock, hip hop, grime, pop, jazz, folk and many more. Found something missing? You can add data for Wayland here.

Wayland's Music Bio

Formerly known as "Whiskey Circus", Wayland is a rock n' roll band named after their home town area in Wayland, Michigan. Their music is similar to that of a modern day version of Journey meets The Black Crowes. Band influences are Journey, Led Zeppelin, The Killers, Kings of Leon. Wayland released a self-titled album in 2010. They recently worked with Producers Michael Gurley and Florian Ammon, at Ironworks/Can Am studios and released (2011) a four track EP entitled "Welcome To My Head" (available via their website and Itunes.) Read more on Last.fm

Wayland's YouTube Videos

NB: We DO NOT use the YouTube Analytics 24hr, 7day and 30day metrics. These numbers are estimates we calculate internally based on YouTube’s public API data. These figures therefore do not represent the figures in artist’s personal YouTube Analytics API.

We DO NOT use YouTube metrics to derive artist popularity, Total or 24hr in accordance with Google Privacy Policy
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